Thursday 8 March 2012

hye ALL..!!

assalamualaikum n hye! 

well i'm new to this blog stuffs.. donno actually what to write, but since everybody is actively blogging so.... tadaaa... here i am..

basically first post must be about myself laa kan (chewah.. macam org nak tau sgt haha).. as introduction.. my name is Nor Nazihah binti Ahmad Ruslan and i am a wife to Fazaldad bin Azmi n a mother to my nearly 10-month old daughter.. Aisyah Jhan.. Jhan? ape tuh?  *muka pelik* hehe weird eh? well since my hubby is from Pakistan so my mom's in-law proposed to put Jhan di akhir nama Aisyah.. which means my love..
first few hours after aisyah is born plus a proud-looking dadd
currently im working as a goverment servant at Precint 4, before that i used to work with small animal clinic and as Executive Sales at one private company.. Oh! lupa lak.. im a Vet.. iye iye Doktor Haiwan *proud* =) i love cats (durhh of course laa kan? hehe) n LUCKY me, my hubby pun suka sangat cats.. we have almost 10 cats (adults plus kittens) in our house.. hubby takes great care of them.. thanks sayangku! ;) by the way, we are operating our home-based clinic called Jhan Petcare and Services.. cari duit sampingan kata orang tua2 sbb cost of living nowadays very high.. hewhewhew
ni laaa lambang company, sempena nama si kechilku aisyah jhan.. 

ermm to be honest, im not good at writting so better stop now, before you guys boring n nak muntah.. my life is not interesting pun sgt but i am happy especially with my love ones... <3

bye for now.. ;D


  1. I just got to kniw this today, ko ada blogggg nazihah!Ada butang like tak kat blog ko nih, hehehe...mak like semua lah k...mak dh post komen 3 x dah, tak kuar pun, xtau mana gi, hehehe...

  2. hahaha chedah!! since mak takde FB ni laa tempat mak nak cite pasal aisyah hahaha.. sesaje jer.. mak tak reti lg pasal blog2 nih.. tau tampat gambar je n ngarut sket2 ;) hahaha
