Thursday 15 March 2012

i HATE liars!! :((

i need to do research about why people just love to lie even if they don't have to... so HERE GOES to me n also those people who always been lied by other people..

why?? oh why??? ;'(
  • They lie to protect themselves, look good, gain financially or socially and avoid punishment. 
  • Those who lie a lot — and knowingly — for personal gain. These people may have a diagnosis called antisocial personality disorder, also known as being a sociopath, and often get into scrapes with the law. 
It’s a matter of trust. When a person lies, they have broken a bond – an unspoken agreement to treat others as we would like to be treated.  Serious deception often makes it impossible for us to trust another person again.
(hmmm ye ker? but I've been lied so so so many times but why i keep on telling myself that the person is worth my trust? SIGH!)

ermm takde mood lansung dah aku nak tulis memanjang pasal penipu2 nih.. kesimpulannya, korang yang suka tipu tu, tak payah laa menipu.. there is no such thing as tipu sunat or white lies okeh? tipu tetap tipu.. once u lied u have to lie again n again.. tak pening ke kepala nak cari idea nak menipu?? at the end of the day kantoi jugaks kan.. bak kata org tua2 "sepandai-pandai tupai melompat.. sambung laa sendiri" malas nak tulis dh..

well, dulu.. i mean so duluuuu, i used to lie jugak about so many things, but as i grow up, i now learn from my mistakes that lies didn't get you anywhere..but it hurts people that u care n love the most.. u get NOTHING from lies besides break the person heart into small pieces each and everytime u lie to them..

Guys, sincerely, STOP lying and it is time to tell the truth even if it hurts!

truth please...pretty please!
i pray that my daughter will always tell the truth in any situations. Amin!


  1. Sabar Nazihah ye.. Doa is a powerful strategy. Aku doakan ko tidak sitipu lagi. :) And insyaAllah Aisyah will grow up to tell the truth, always.
