Last week was a holiday. 4 days in a row starting last Saturday until Tuesday. Maksudnya Aisyah tak gi nursery lama gile. Dia lepak kat Petshop, we brought her back to hometown - Gombak (haha macam jauh sgt ;p) and so many activities yang most of it occurred at the petshop.
After that, her life, Aisyah's life was back to normal, which means dia kene gi nursery balik. Jumpa all the teachers and friends there plus kene study.. Haha yes! kat sana, Aisyah has her own workbook like My Family, Animals, Fruits etc. Everyday from 9am to 11am kene study. The teacher also said that in order for them to keep the children focus, dorang kene rasuah pakai chocs or sweets sometimes. Parents will be kept updated by the everyday evaluation's paper, prepared by the teacher-in-charge to be signed by the parents.. Sort of macam report card laa sebenarnya. Dasyat kan? Haha but I kinda like it..
For the past 2 days, Aisyah asek2 nangis je bila hantar ke nursery. Every morning. It is always breaks my heart to see my intan payung menangis but kena kuatkan hati, lepaskan tangan dia from my tudung or baju, kiss her and then bye-bye. I always said to her that, "Mama amek awal today k? Pls take care. Belajar rerajin etc.." (like my mom and dad used to say when i was a student) Basically, my husband and I will fetch her around 6pm and the most is around 6,30 no later than that. And her report card also said that she keeps on merengek if she has been left alone and suka bergaduh dengan kawan2.
And lately ni jugak, Aisyah sangat manja. Double the manja from previous or should i say triple? Huhu. At the petshop, she won't let me do my work and always nak berdukung. Kalau dulu boleh main-main kat display room dengan kucing and berlari-lari dengan papa dia. Now she wants only Me! Aiyo yo.. I love u my dear but mama needs to work. If papa dia amek dia, she will scream and berguling-guling kat lantai. Hadoi!
Next, masa tido malam. I am the one who puts her to sleep. Her papa can't do that since she is still breastfeeding. Kene tepuk-tepuk while her mouth is still at my breast. Then, she sleeps. But masa tengah tido if dia terjaga, she will call me, "Ma.. Mama.. Mama!" and I have to answer that quickly before dia nangis. Then if lets say, I am at the toilet or watching TV with my suami, she will cry loudly and refuses to sleep after that. But still she wants me to hug her and never leave her side. This "thing" happens everyday between 2 to 5 in the morning! Uarghh... She will get back to sleep after 6.30am. And her mama also tido jugak and lambat laa gi keje as a result of that.
I wonder why these happen and I do ask my friends if these occur to them as well. And most of them answer, YES! Phew lega sket dengar.. But still it worries me. Now, I am so tired due to lack of sleep and looks like a zombie. All my body is aching. I only weigh 43kilos. (naik jugak laa compared to zaman remaja cuma 40kilos) I do think I need to have my ME time alone. Don't get me wrong, I love being a mother and I am so in love with my daughter okeh.
Oh Aisyah, I love u. Mama and papa will always be at your side. Close to our hearts. Always in our prayers. Just be safe and take care.. Seriously, WE LOVE U DEARLY!!
at the age of 7months (if i'm not mistaken) |
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