Saturday 31 March 2012

Thanks Fazlina n Aisyah's Ummi ~ Intan..

warrgghhh :'(   i am so so sad when the babysitters said that nursery ni nak tutup dah sebab they have other job offered.. and the owner of the nursery didn't trust anyone to jaga all those kids.. ye laa kan, since macam2 news dgr lately.. baby tersedak susu laa, budak kene ikat laa and the list goes on..

i am truly sad because, firstly, aisyah sikit punya suka dgn intan or aisyah call her Ummi.. with her Ummi je yang dia tak nangis in other word she had accepted Ummi in her life now.. besides me of course :) knowing aisyah, dia jenis yang lambat nak dekat orang.. she will learn to know you first baru she let people be inside her life..

when i first sent aisyah to this nursery, she didn't know how to drink milk by bottle since I BF her the whole time during my pantang days.. but with Fazlina, Intan and their mother's patience, aisyah now can drinks her own milk n been a happy baby i must say.. i know that they have treated aisyah like their own daughter.. there, aisyah learned how to speak, how to interact with other people and lots more.. She can even stand on her own at only 9 months n by 10 months plus she can take her own-sweet-baby steps.. Her Ummi always play with her, pamper n concern about her.. Aisyah is so lucky to know her Ummi! Aisyah also has BFF now call Asmaa' and the thought of them being separated makes me so disappointed..

Yesterday, was her last day at Kidz Home Nursery, i thanked all of them for taking care of Aisyah.. i almost cried but too ashamed to cry in front of them.. i cried inside my heart though..

To my dear Intan and Fazlina, i wish all of u the very best in life and your future undertakings.. thanks again for taking care of my princess.. i do owe you guys big time.. here goes the pantun to u guys~ ~

"Kalau ada sumur di ladang,
Boleh kita menumpang mandi,
Kalau ada umur yang panjang,
Boleh kita berjumpa lagi..."

I also pray that Aisyah's new nursery will treat my baby pretty well, n love her like Intan's.. And i do hope Aisyah will adapt to the new environment really fast.. 

Ya Allah, peliharalah anakku dan lindungilah dia dari sebarang malapetaka dan juga hasad dengki.. Amin!

Friday 30 March 2012

aisyah aisyah aisyah again :)

aisyah :) 

well, she is so much in love with cats just like her father.. her passion towards cats mmg dasyat.. everytime her mama examines cats, dia akan merengek-rengek nak sibuk jugak.. if her papa dukung, she will yell n mumbling or complaining in her own words.. haha.. she has her own vocab now..

currently she likes to climb stairs.. ermm penat sungguh nak kejar si kechik nih, naik pandai turun takut plak hehe.. .if taruk dalam walker, she only can stay put for like 20 minutes the most, then she will cry n ask me to dukung her.. 

muka happy terlepas dari walker.. siap tepuk tgn lagi :)
muka seposen..

but, her papa been so strict, will put her inside the baby cot n she will keep quiet for a while.. unfortunately, when she sees me around, mula laa dia panggil "maa, mamama, maaamam or sometimes ammmaaa!" sambil jerit2.. hish! bertuahnye budak.. hehe and me, being so lembut hati will quickly angkat her up n dukung then i will play kejar2 with her sampai penat.. hehe n me penat too, of course..
as conclussion, both of us will sleep early that day while her papa as usual, tido lambat, watching TV or kemas2 kucing.. :)

above all, i do love u guys so much! u r my world now.. nothing else matters.. 

love love love


Wednesday 28 March 2012

Set Fire To The Rain by Adele

i pretty much in love with this song wholeheartedly;

the singer has fantastically unique voice;

a very meaningful lyrics....

enjoy guys~~

much love <3

Tuesday 27 March 2012

when Aisyah starts to membebel

hehe bila aisyah geram n mula membebel..

sayang kamu


Bila kebosanan melanda~

Bile kebosanan melanda, banyak laa aktiviti yg dipikirkan nak buat tp semuanye ada kengkangan seperti di bawah contohnya;

  • Nak tengok movie
Kengkangan yang dihadapi: masa susah nak cari.. weekend busy n kalau tak busy tak sampai hati nak tinggalkan aisyah sbb weekend sepatutnya our family time together.. dia dah laa lama dok nursery so weekend is my time to lepak with her.. if nak tgk masa weekdays, keje plak.. nak amek cuti sayang plak.. sbb takut nnt emergeny, cuti plak dah abes huhu.. so kesimpulannya, tak jugak pergi tgk m0vie.. :(

  • Nak keluar shopping  
Kengkangan yang dihadapi: haaa ape lagi.. DUIT laa hehe.. hari tuh je dah abes bnyk beli barang, makan2 dan lain2.. kalau kuar lagi mau makan pasir berulamkan batu je.. so niat di hati kene simpan dulu.. err tp window shopping kan boleh? haaa itu btol.. hehe tp nnt mesti TERbeli.. bila dah window2 then suka sesuatu brg tersebut, kalau  tak beli nnt malam takleh tido, so kene beli jugak sbb nak bagi tido malam.. (apekah?) kesimpulannya, jangan kuar sbb nnt mesti TERRbeli jugak.. :(

tuh je laa kot sebenarnye benda dlm kepala at the moment.. hati meronta2 suruh kuar, g mydin pun jadi laa kot, asalkan membeli.. ish nafsu sungguh! astaghfirullahalazim... kesimpulannya, dok ofis ni dendiam n baca laa apa yang patut.. sigh!

baik anak mama, curi petty cash papa bagi kat mama soh gi shopping eh? hehe.. thanks sayang! nnt kita shopping sesama kay? gi manicure sesama, facial sesama.. bestnye! :) *berangan*

Monday 26 March 2012

Molten Choc Cake mission - accomplished!

took a Friday off just to full fill my craving which is MOLTEN CHOC CAKE, Chillis *yummy*. Accompanied my dearly sisters to KLCC n here goes our journey.. haha

lazat sekali

took a very BIG bite 


rakus masing2 makan.. haha
 a happy face after melantak
suka laa eh, tetibe je dpt handbag haha

alhamdulillah.. :)
then, after beli a few barang, we headed home happily ever after..

puas hati dah dpt.. btw, it's not expensive pun.. it costs only RM19.95 excluded taxes.. n the taste is so yummy sampai rasa macam nak jilat pinggan je huhu..

thanks Chilis.. now i am the happiest person on earth...~~

btw, sambung sket jap.. masa tengah menikmati hidangan tuh, nampak laa segerombolan jejaka-jejaka yg baru balik from solat jumaat, hati pun terpanggil nak amek gambar.. bangga tgk org2 laki nih gi solat tengah2 panas n kena jalan jauh2.. well, bak kata my sistah, nak pilih calon suami adalah dari golongan tersebut.. haha
pilih pilih! :)


Thursday 22 March 2012

Aisyah at 10m&10d-old

kiss kiss
Everytime i write Aisyah's name, never fails to put a smile on my face.. she is like everything to me.. i love her to bits.. 

Well at 10months n 10day-old (how time flies, nnt tup tup dah nak kahwen dah anak mama sorang nih hehe) she can speaks a simple word like; nak, mama,pa, ateh (i donno wut thats mean), nanak and some words that i don't understand.. it's so much fun when she starts to mumbling and berleter esp when she's enjoying her favorite TV show.. 

she can stand on her own now.. but stil kene pegang something.. well, actually she can jalan sikit2 but she is too afraid of falling down..when she's not standing, she will merangkak n mencapai.. so all the accessories at home esp yg glasses kene simpan.. if u come to my house, mmg takde perhiasan berkaca haha.. me n hubby penat main kejar2 dgn dia n she seems to enjoy it pretty much.. :)

she also loves to eat.. but her body weight lambat sket nak naik.. high metabolism kot but some says, she is like me haha.. well i used to be fat dulu. now je kurus sket.. haha..gladly, after her last check-up, her BMI dah normal.. BIG yeay!! n congrats to me jugak sebab buat bubur bnyk2 (iye ker?? ;p) haha well sometimes her gradma yang kene tolong buatkan.. she loves chicken like her mama n papa.. so in terms of food, as long as there is chicken, she will be tofu jepun.. she has no interest to fish at all.. (just like me, exceptional to ikan bakar ;p)

tgh makan biskut choc dia
ape lagi eh pasal si kecik nih?? haaa.. dia skrng tido lasak gile.. hehe ikut daddy dia kot (ahaks~) when i put her in one position, later she will turn n if we try to move her she will nangis haha.. sabr je laa budak nih.. so, we have to adjust our sleeping positions according to her.. sigh!

ish! malu laa ;)
n her face after waking up is so hilarious.. her hair is so messed up n ada this bau semacam at her body which i love to sniff.. gosh! everything about her is lovable.. 

above: her new obsession haha, below: budak bau mashaaammm haha

Aisyah sayang, u must know that mama n papa love u so much.. we pray that u will become a better muslimah when u grow up.. be a very good girl kay sayang? Life as u grow old, has so much ups n downs but when u have faith, u will find your way.. keep on praying as Allah SWT will always show u the way.. the right path for u to follow.. 

I LOVE YOU with all my heart..


Thursday 15 March 2012

i HATE liars!! :((

i need to do research about why people just love to lie even if they don't have to... so HERE GOES to me n also those people who always been lied by other people..

why?? oh why??? ;'(
  • They lie to protect themselves, look good, gain financially or socially and avoid punishment. 
  • Those who lie a lot — and knowingly — for personal gain. These people may have a diagnosis called antisocial personality disorder, also known as being a sociopath, and often get into scrapes with the law. 
It’s a matter of trust. When a person lies, they have broken a bond – an unspoken agreement to treat others as we would like to be treated.  Serious deception often makes it impossible for us to trust another person again.
(hmmm ye ker? but I've been lied so so so many times but why i keep on telling myself that the person is worth my trust? SIGH!)

ermm takde mood lansung dah aku nak tulis memanjang pasal penipu2 nih.. kesimpulannya, korang yang suka tipu tu, tak payah laa menipu.. there is no such thing as tipu sunat or white lies okeh? tipu tetap tipu.. once u lied u have to lie again n again.. tak pening ke kepala nak cari idea nak menipu?? at the end of the day kantoi jugaks kan.. bak kata org tua2 "sepandai-pandai tupai melompat.. sambung laa sendiri" malas nak tulis dh..

well, dulu.. i mean so duluuuu, i used to lie jugak about so many things, but as i grow up, i now learn from my mistakes that lies didn't get you anywhere..but it hurts people that u care n love the most.. u get NOTHING from lies besides break the person heart into small pieces each and everytime u lie to them..

Guys, sincerely, STOP lying and it is time to tell the truth even if it hurts!

truth please...pretty please!
i pray that my daughter will always tell the truth in any situations. Amin!

Monday 12 March 2012

weekend at home

basically my weekend at home macam orang lain jugak kot.. i terbangun dek tamparan manja aisyah yang suka bangun awal bila weekends.. (sabar je laaa~) but weekdays merengek-rengek takmo bangun.. itu sebab laa my punch card always RED.. i know.. i know.. that is totally not an excuse kan? hehe sorry bos!  

geram je main jelir2 lidah pepagi buta.. eh tak buta sgt laa dah kol 8 kot mama oii..
bangun2 buat breakfast (macam bagus je kan? alllaaaa... goreng2 nugget je kot ;p), then mandikan si  kechil while en husband sgt busy dengan kucing-kucing kesayangannya huhu.. n then main kejar2 dgn aisyah.. niat di hati nak bagi dia cepat penat so dia boleh tido lama... haha.. n guess wut? it totally works! but her mama also penat n tido sekali.. motifff sangat! 

my sleeping beauty

after that lepas aisyah dah bangun n hubby dah habis kemas all the kucings, we went lunch.. since nak jimat duit, (jimat duit malas or tak reti masak? adoiii!) but kitorang makan kat umah mak mertua since dorang masak sedap2 like ikan bakar, sup daging, telur dadar, sayur kacang, budu (i dunt like budu though..husband je suka sambil menjilat jari-jemari dia yg gemoks tuh hehe) dan lain2.. then at night, again, mandikan aisayh, pakaikan baju tido n sharp 6.30pm bukak disney junior bagi dia tgk special agent oso..her fav cartoon of all times! hehe actually die suka tgk masa lagu 3 special steps je.. tersengih2 sengih depan tv.. at that particular time, baru lah dia dok diam2 sket.. Alhamdulillah! hehe

happy kan muka dia tuh? hehe

dinner we tapau from outside.. n i just masak nasi jer.. haha senang idup saya.. but seriously, i need to belajar masak now sebab sian kan en hubby yang dah tak tau nak makan ape kat luar dah.. walaupun, if he asks me, i have like a very long list nak makan ape.. macam mengidam sangat esp gambar yang kat bawah nih huuhu *doa en hubby baca n terus ckp, "ayg lets go chilis now"* hahahahaha (ketawa sambil berharap) uhuks~~

mengidam sangat so buat XL size haha
k folks, pen off now.. later dude! 

ADIOS (bak kata si deqna yang baru dapat lesen..hehe) AMIGOS!

nak baju nih!! *tak pasal2 aje kan?* wlpun i pendek tp nak jugak! tak kira.. *merengek sket* ;p
(pics from Nurita Harith)

Friday 9 March 2012

FAMILY.. my family

abah n mak plus sikechilku-Aisyah *peluk2*
family..(wahh tajuk macam budak sekolah buat karangan kurang 80 patah perkataan jer)..  well, im coming from  a small family.. ada mak, Pn Noraini Ibrahim; abah, En Ahmad Ruslan bin Mohd Amir, n 3 sisters.. yup! all girls.. one elder sister, MO at Hospital Melaka n my younger ones, HO kat HKL (kot.. blum posting lagi.. hehe) n youngest still studying at UIA..  kitorang dibesarkan kat Gombak n sekolah semua kat situ sampai laa masuk asrama masa sekolah menegah..

tanggal 3 Julai 2010, i was married to my husband (durhh of courselaa kan.. hehe) theme kaler kahwin is purple masa solemnization n white masa reception.. kat my hubby's side warna grey.. gitu.. :) so here goes gambar2 masa kahwen.. just nak refresh back.. seronoknye kahwen nih sbb boleh pakai baju cantik2, mahal2 n panggil org make-up kan.. mmg macam puteri sangat.. tp preparation b4 kahwen amatlahh memenatkan huhu.. well here goes~ ;D

<----- masa time nih tengah tunggu kat tepi pintu bilik.. tunggu cue mak or my eldest sis panggil nak turun.. mak dato' berdebarnye hehe.. sib baik ada my BFF tunggu sekali..boleh bergurau2 manja ngan dorang hehe.. *sayang korang tau*

then gambar lepas akad nikah.. hehe jadi isteri org dh huhu.. (psss. kene jegil dgn abah sebab memain masa baca doa lepas akad nikah hehe..) abah tetap abah.. garang sentiasa..hehe  but I LOVE U ABAH!!

 mak kata lepas jadi isteri org jangan nakal2 dah.. kene dok umah, ikut ckp suami (eh, susah jugak eh..kata di dlm hati senyap2), jangan gaduh2 mcam zaman bercinta dulu (my mom pun tau eh i suka gaduh *malu jap*) n benda yang PALING susah nak buat is kene M.A.S.A.K.. argghhhhh... wut? MASAK *die berkali-kali* Mak kata kene air tangan isteri untuk suami..apekah?

then gambar seterusnya..


credit to Rizal the photographer ;)

bertukar-tukar cincin.. seronok eh kau wahai suami, dapat tak pakai dah pun, sbb tak muat dah gemuks *piece*
muka dah penat

k laa cukup laa kot gambar kahwen.. hehe.. then after a year of being together.. lahirlah our princess Aisyah Jhan binti Fazaldad at HUKM, 1515, weight 2.64 kg.. bersalin memang sakit gile but the pain is so worth it n hilang after tgk muka si kechil, buah hati pengarang jantungku...

ustazah Aisyah *Amin..*
hubby, me n aisyah masa raya 2011 ;)

in a nutshell (hewahh macam buat thesis gituh), i do LOVE all of them above so much n i thank Allah SWT for giving them to me..

Thursday 8 March 2012

hye ALL..!!

assalamualaikum n hye! 

well i'm new to this blog stuffs.. donno actually what to write, but since everybody is actively blogging so.... tadaaa... here i am..

basically first post must be about myself laa kan (chewah.. macam org nak tau sgt haha).. as introduction.. my name is Nor Nazihah binti Ahmad Ruslan and i am a wife to Fazaldad bin Azmi n a mother to my nearly 10-month old daughter.. Aisyah Jhan.. Jhan? ape tuh?  *muka pelik* hehe weird eh? well since my hubby is from Pakistan so my mom's in-law proposed to put Jhan di akhir nama Aisyah.. which means my love..
first few hours after aisyah is born plus a proud-looking dadd
currently im working as a goverment servant at Precint 4, before that i used to work with small animal clinic and as Executive Sales at one private company.. Oh! lupa lak.. im a Vet.. iye iye Doktor Haiwan *proud* =) i love cats (durhh of course laa kan? hehe) n LUCKY me, my hubby pun suka sangat cats.. we have almost 10 cats (adults plus kittens) in our house.. hubby takes great care of them.. thanks sayangku! ;) by the way, we are operating our home-based clinic called Jhan Petcare and Services.. cari duit sampingan kata orang tua2 sbb cost of living nowadays very high.. hewhewhew
ni laaa lambang company, sempena nama si kechilku aisyah jhan.. 

ermm to be honest, im not good at writting so better stop now, before you guys boring n nak muntah.. my life is not interesting pun sgt but i am happy especially with my love ones... <3

bye for now.. ;D