Wednesday 14 November 2012

Durian Ais Goreng


Last week, MoA ada buat seminar pasal IAT so kat bawah penuh laa orang-orang IAT yang berniaga. Mostly yang berniaga ni mendapat tunjuk ajar dan petunjuk dari Jabatan dan Agensi dari MoA. So macam-macam laa ada seperti otak-otak, cookies yang macam-macam jenis, kerepek, serunding dan lain-lain laa lagi yang biasa kita makan.

Cuma, ada satu je yang macam tak pernah makan which is DURIAN AIS GORENG!! Kalau ice cream goreng tuh dah biasa. Memula ingatkan ice cream goreng flavor durian. Tetapi bila tanya makcik yang jual tuh cakap,"Bukan dik.. Ini durian yang di frozen kan and masuk tepung dan goreng dengan cepat.." Ermm macam menarik je bunyik nye. Plus, tengok orang pun beratur macam dasyat je. Dalam hati cakap mesti sedap. So masuk dalam wish list before balik ofis. Now kene round dulu sebab kalau nak tunggu lama sgt. I tak larat nak beratur! Haha

Then, lepas beli popia otak-otak, Yan (my colleague) beli kaftan dan sebagainya, kami pun pergi laa balik kat tempat durin ni tadi. Dah tak ramai orang so boleh laa tunggu durian tuh dimasak sekejap. 

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Tengah sibuk memanaskan minyak sambil membersihkan kerak kat tepi-tepi
Tuh bekas tepung (kiri) and makcik berglove tengah masukkan durian ais utk digoreng
Inilah rupanye durian ais goreng tuh.

Err dah tak sabar dh nak rasa sebenarnye. Tapi sebab order 4 biji so kene tunggu dengan penuh debaran. Btw, I'm sharing it with Yan =) 

Pernah masuk newspaper segala. Btw, dorang mengalu-alukan sape yg nk bukak brunch durian ais ni. 
Tagline.. Catchy kan? =)
By the way, as seen at the picture above, durian ni memang D24, 100%, tak campur dengan Musang King okeh. Kalau campur harga memang meletop mahal. Itu mak komfemkan. Oh, harga dia seulas/seketul/sebiji dalam RM3 (uhuk uhuk.. mahal kot eh? Ntah.. ) tapi kalau beli 4 hanya RM10. So seperti yg diberitahu sebab kitorang share, makanye 2 sorang.

Disebabkan tak sabar nak makan sebab takut durian cair dan sebagainya, kami pun duduk laa kat kerusi yang disediakan kat tepi-tepi jalan tuh. Macam ofis jauh sangat je kan? Padahal atas je.. Haha.. Makan-makan, first ngap, errmm menarik. second ngap masih menarik sampai laa sebiji abes rasanye memang menarik. Sedap sedap sedap! Tak abes2 cakap sedap.. Masa masuk yang second je, haha dah muak gilerr, rasa loya laa plak haha.. Ingatkan I sorang je rasa tapi Yan pun cakap the same thing. Oh lupa, bila ngap je, durian kat dalam tuh cair and mengalir-ngalir. Kalau coklat sedap kot.. hehe

Kesimpulannya, makan sebiji sedap masuk yg second bias-bias je. Maybe sebab kitorang ni tak hantu sangat durian kot. I hantu kalau durian itself sahaja. Yang tuh berbiji-biji boleh makan. Sampai berhari-hari lamanye nak hilangkan bau durian tersebut. Euwww kan kan? 

Btw, sesape yang pernah nampak stall ni kat memana, boleh laa try kot esp for those yang memang HANTU durian.. =) Have fun eating!!

Friday 9 November 2012

songs songs songs

There's a hero
If you look inside your heart
You don't have to be afraid
Of what you are
There's an answer
If you reach into your soul
And the sorrow that you know
Will melt away


And then a hero comes along
With the strength to carry on
And you cast your fears aside
And you know you can survive
So when you feel like hope is gone
Look inside you and be strong
And you'll finally see the truth
That a hero lies in you

It's a long road

When you face the world alone
No one reaches out a hand
For you to hold
You can find love
If you search within yourself
And the emptiness you felt
Will disappear


Lord knows

Dreams are hard to follow
But don't let anyone
Tear them away
Hold on
There will be tomorrow
In time
You'll find the way

Have You Ever?
Have you ever loved somebody so much it makes you cry? Have you ever needed something so bad you can't sleep at night? Have you ever tried to find the words but they don't come out right? Have you ever, have you ever?
Have you ever been in love, been in love so bad You'd do anything to make them understand? Have you ever had someone steal your heart away? You'd give anything to make them feel the same Have you ever searched for words to get you in their heart? But you don't know what to say and you don't know where to start
Have you ever loved somebody so much it makes you cry? Have you ever needed something so bad you can't sleep at night? Have you ever tried to find the words but they don't come out right? Have you ever, have you ever?
Have you ever found the one you've dreamed of all your life? You'd do just about anything to look into their eyes Have you finally found the one you've given your heart to? Only to find that one won't give their heart to you Have you ever closed your eyes and dreamed that they were there? And all you can do is wait for that day when they will care
Have you ever loved somebody so much it makes you cry? Have you ever needed something so bad you can't sleep at night? Have you ever tried to find the words but they don't come out right? Have you ever, have you ever?
What do I gotta do to get you in my arms, baby? What do I gotta say to get to your heart? To make you understand how I need you next to me Gotta get you in my world 'cuz baby I can't sleep
Have you ever loved somebody so much it makes you cry? Have you ever needed something so bad you can't sleep at night?
Have you ever loved somebody so much it makes you cry? Have you ever needed something so bad you can't sleep at night? Have you ever tried to find the words but they don't come out right? Have you ever, have you ever?
Have you ever?


Thursday 1 November 2012


OMG!! I can't believe what had just happened to me 2 days back..

Tuesday, 30th November 2012 at around 7.20am, I was on my way to go to office. Traffic at that moment tak laa hectic sangat. Banyak kete, yes but stil boleh jalan dengan gembiranya. I was driving at the right lane since  i need to speed up a little bit sebab macam dah lambat ke office.. Sigh

Tengah jalan-jalan sambil melayan lagu tetibe; I repeat.. TETIBE kete depan break and I was so shocked and my feet pun cecepat tekan break jugak but since kat lane kanan and kereta semua agak laju (including me) so break pun tiada gunanya lagi. BUT lucky me, my car tak langgar kete depan tapi bercium laa sket dengan bumper kete depan. Memula tuh dah lega dah sebab tak berlanggar tapi tetibe dengar DUMMM!! Dush.. Kene my car's bontot.. Damn! then kene lagi sekali DUMM!!.. and my car pun terperosok laa kat bawah bontot kete depan.. ='( Then dengar lagi dentuman yang dasyat and hati cecepat bersyahadah. Takut mati di tempat kejadian plak.. huhu Semua jadi in a split seconds.

After that, I was so shocked, couldn't talk and I feel like I can't do anything. Tak berani nak kuar kereta lansung. Tengok belakang, semua dah kuar kete tgk kete masing-masing. But I remain inside my car and quickly capai phone to call my husband. By the way, ada 5 kereta kot yang involved. I was at car no 2. Well my husband did pick up the phone but he sounded really calm. Eh, rileks btol pulak dia ni. Hati kecik berbisik. He asked where the accident actually happen and asked me am I alright. After Q&A session with sang suami selesai,  I hung up the phone and tetibe nampak mamat macam menakutkan muka ketuk cermin. Adoii tangan pun cecepat ke tempat kunci pintu and make sure semua pintu berkunci. Dia ketuk2 cermin and dengan keberanian yang ada bukak cermin tingkap tp kecik je. Cukup2 utk dgr suara.Rupa-rupanya dia ni orang tow-truck. Eh pantasnye ko sampai di tempat kejadian kan.. hmm He's a nice guy after kitorang semua dah keluar kereta segala. 

Then, orang SILK highway datang and asked the 5 of us to go to the left side of the road. Time tuh traffic memang jam gila due to us. Lepas dalam 10-20 minit duduk kat left side of the road baru laa nampak traffic macam bergerak sket and SILK Highway's Officers asked us to go to Petronas which is nearby. Since my car boleh berjalan lagi so cecepat laa masuk kete and bawak dalam 20km/j menuju ke Petronas. Toleh-toleh kat cermin belakang nampak my husband. Syukur sebab finally nampak muka dia sebab takut nak handle sengsorang ni. Then, baru laa boleh lega sebab segala urusan akan diuruskan oleh suami. Thanks sayangku!! Hehe

haa seperti yg ditweet oleh LLM. Tu lah tempat kejadian huhu
Kete Belakang. Dia sampai takleh nak  jalan sebab carburetor pecah. (kot)
Kete Depan. Bulat merah adalah kerosakkan yang dihadapi oleh kakak seperti di dalam gambar huhu
Lepas tu, suami cakap yang kita kene report police sebab nak claim kat insurance and so on. Ke Balai Polis Kajang kami pergi. Sampai je sana, nampak orang kete belakang dah duduk di situ. Tunggu turn nak buat report. Baik budaknye. Nasib baik majoriti perempuan so takde laa bergaduh ke hape haha. Lepas buat report kene jumpa IO (Inspetor Officer) plak utk buat siasatan kes. Kene soal lagi sekali and kene laa cite lagi sekali. Then, kete pun kene hantar bengkel yang telah direkemenkan. Hmm berat hati nak tinggal kete kat bengkel yang tak tau latar belakang nih. Tapi I have no choice. So letak laa kete kat situ. Menurut org bengkel tuh, dalam 2-3 minggu siap laa. Hmm hopefully  kete akan OK seperti biasa.. Hai entahlerr.. ='( 

Now, kalau gi office suami hantar, nak gi memana pun kene mintak ihsan suami. Huhu.. Terpendek kaki mak nak jenjalan merayau-rayau dah buat masa ni. Adoiyaii! 

Moral to be learned are as follow;
  1. Jangan pergi keje lambat. Tuh yang kelam kabut tuh. Tu yang bawak agak (agak okeh.. ;p) laju tuh. Tu yang terbreak boleh tercium kete depan tuh.
  2. Jangan ada perselisihan ngan suami pepagi. Pagi tuh ada sedikit salah paham, inilah akibatnye. Maaf ye suami.. huhu
  3. HP  kene selalu fully chargel before gi memana. Pagi tuh batteri tinggal ala kadar je. Sempat call suami, mak and yan jap pastu terus kong.
  4. .......tak tau dah..
 Lepas semua macam lebih kurang selesai, pergi ke klinik sebab dada agak sakit due to the seatbelt (sib baik pakai kalau tak nau'uzubillah) and kepala plak pening berdenyut kuat. Walaupun dah telah 2 biji PCM huhu Gi clinic and Dr cakap maybe sebab trauma and if ada muntah2 or anything yang membahayakan kena datang sekali lagi. My sisters pun dah worried sick. My eldest sister takut ada concussion segala. Alhamdulilah I am fine.. Thanks dear sisters! =)

By the way, I've got two days MC *lompat bintang* sebab Dr suruh rehat. Hmm ok laa saya rehat Dr tapi di Midvalley boleh? haha.. Gi jugak Mid sebab bosan terbaring je and I just found out that Midvalley dah ada ladies parking.. yeeeehaaa! Eh gi cmne? Haha mmg taklaa nak naik KTM segala. I am not well Ok? LOL. I whatsapped Ayu (ex-housemate masa bujang) and she replied with positive answer as always. Siap amek ke rumah lagi.. Waaa very the terharu.. haha.. Sang suami? hehe dia dh malas nak layan sebab dia banyak keje lagi nak buat. Kejam kan? I know huhu but still I LAP U much sebab bagi I duit jalan-jalan menghilangkan trauma hehe

tmpt parking kitrg
ladiesparking y'all. 
Siap ada pakguard jaga lagi tau.. Very the exclusive. Very the suka. Eh ke dah lama ada? Aku je macam beruk yang baru tau? hahaha Nampak sangat dah lama tak kuar hewhew

Lepas dah macam kol 4 lebey tuh my phone rang, haha panggilan reminder rupanya dari sang suami suruh balik awal sebab nnt jalan jam, hujan jalan licin, bla bla bla.. He's turning into mak nenek already LOL

Balik rumah terus amek si kecik Aisyah yang dirindui =)