Friday 19 July 2013

Second Child

Salam Ramadhan to all the readers!
Mohon ampun dan maaf atas kesilapan dan semoga ramadhan tahun ini lebih baik dari tahun-tahun yang lepas hendaknya. Amin..

Rasanya macam dah berkurun dah tak tulis kat blog ni. Sorry. I was super busy and really occupied with my works. Well I just came back from Thailand last week.

As some of u know, I am carrying a second child inside my womb. Alhamdulillah. It is already near 2 months. Sebenarnya tak perasan lansung I'm pregnant. Masa kat Thailand hari tu memang laa rasa mual-mual and macam penaing-pening tp since few of my colleagues pun felt the same way so I just ignore the nausea feelings. And since my period is not even regular, so due in period is not an issue to me. Plus, Aisyah is still breasfeeding even though she is already 2 years+. Breastfeeding kan some sort of pregnancy control method kan? So I did not think I am pregnant at that time. When I told my husband during my stay in Thailand about the symptoms, he quickly said,"I think u pregnant.." I laughed and said pls don't be kidding haha.

Then, a day after I came back from Thailand, my husband urged me to go to GP and do UPT. So I obeyed and tadaaa the UPT came back positive and the ultrasound showed that my baby is already 5 weeks plus. Oh we were so touched and wordless. Happy. Husband hugged me and whispered thank you. I smiled back. Auww husband is so sweet. Terharu mak tau. =)

To be honest this second baby consumed my energy A LOT. Ha, I can't even puasa tau. Dulu time Aisyah boleh jugak puasa. Sebulan puasa takde tinggal. This time hanya dapat 3 hari je. Kalau puasa je muka dah macam zombie and I can't do anything except lying down and sleep. Well my mom said that it could be because of aisyah is still breastfeeding. U might be right mama. Despite the tiredness and all the nausea, headache and all, I am really blessed since my husband is always here beside me. Melayan all my kerenahs. Membeli everything that I want to eat, menjaga Aisyah when I am so exhausted and also do the house chores like washing and hanging clothes and washing dishes. He also send me to work every morning so that I can sleep in the car while he drives. He is beyond sweet and I am so grateful.

Husband also feels the heartburn and nausea.Sometime lagi teruk kot. Oh lupa plak, this baby does not cause me severe muntah-muntah like Aisyah did. Cuma penat yang teramat sahaja and loya-loya. Sang suami yang rasa teruk-teruk hehe. Every breaking fast he will take Gaviscon to clear his heartburn. Hehe.. And me plak senang sangat terlupa. Like I just hold a car ker, and put it somewhere then few minutes after that terus lupa taruk mana. Like totally lost. This symptom I must google since I never heard pregnancy can cause u short term memory loss.

Few days back, we were doing our check up at KPJ Kajang and when the gynae did the ultrasound it shows that the baby is already 8 months and we can listen to the heart beat. Subhanallah, I am so falling in love at you dear baby. Husband quickly held my hands and said, that is our son/daughter or Aisyah's adik. Menitik air mata sekejap. Aisyah is going to be a big sister now haha.

Ya Allah, aku bersyukur dengan setiap rezeki yang ko berikan kepada kami. Permudahkanlah proses mengandung ini dan semoga anak di dalam kandungan ini sihat sentiasa. Insya Allah. Dan semoga menjadi anak yang soleh / solehah kelak. Amin.

To my dearest husband, I thank you for everything u have done. Thank you for keeping up with my first trimester symptoms. Hanya Allah yang dapat membalasnya. I love you so much.

And not to forget to my dearest family esp my mama who will always masak anything that I ask. Baik ikan bakar, sotong masak merah, nasi goreng pedas tapi tak mau pedas sangat and  macam-macam lagi. And to abah yang semangat melayan kerenah Aisyah yang nak mintak dukung je sepanjang we went to KLCC. I knew u were tired back then but u still layan my daughter sebab takmo myself rasa penat. Besarnye kasih sayang ibubapa. Again, hanya Allah je yang dapat membalasnya.

To conclude, I am so blessed and grateful of having all the kind-hearted loving family and friends beside me. Alhamdulillah.

Happy fasting again!