Thursday 30 May 2013

Just Saying

Life is not about who's real to your face, 
it's about who's real behind your back.

Nowadays, it is quite hard to have someone who is being truth to you. They might seem nice to your face but at the back... wow, hanya Tuhan je yang tahu. They might gives u a happy face but deep inside their hearts are cursing you. Only God knows. 

Well you know something, only coward who has no dignity and pride will speak behind someone else's back. Being an adult are not based on age u know. It is about how u counter any obstacles, problems or even be matured, well-educated enough to face the person. Just so u know, whatever happens behind my back is not worth my time and effort. I can only pray that God gives u guidance and semoga kita semua diampunkan dosa. Amin.

As for me, I am very blessed of having a very supportive, loyal friends who will always be by my side no matter what. Who will give me advices if I did any wrongs. Who will never take advantage of me. They will never go behind me and cakap bukan-bukan. To dear readers, that's why choosing your TRUE friends are very vital. Must always look at their EDUCATIONAL background. If u mingle with the wrong ones, like it or not u will be like them sooner or later. I am so blessed since I've been surrounding with friends who is well-mannered, educated and so many beautiful positives vibes which can't be listed here. And seriously speaking I am so much missing korang semua. All of them are pursuing their dreams of becoming lecturers overseas. Cepat balik, aku dah ngidam Molten Choc Cake balik dah *ehem ehem*

Me, as some of u know me, I am not so pandai compared to others hehe but still CGPA 3+ ;p ; and not really good at controlling my temper. But Alhamdulillah, my husband thought me well. He always said to me that by being so emotional u will show ur weaknesses and your shallow thoughts. Which is so true. I always pray to Allah SWT to always give me guidance and grant me patience towards many many things or people that annoy me. My mama also said to me, those who speaks behind your back are not worth of my attention. Which is very true.Again, I am so blessed of having a very loving family who will be by my side thru thick and thin. Abah, Mak, Ayue, Deqna, Lily, Fauzan and even Sofea and Imran, I love you. You guys are always there by my side no matter what. Korang  memang best! Hehe Won't trade u guys for everything in this world. Thanks Ya Allah..

Having a family now makes me realize that what important most in life is MY FAMILY. My dad thought me well, wealth can't buy you a good children, can't offer you a happy life. If u have a very happy family trust me u will create a home not just a house. If u know what I mean. Raising your own children instead of asking someone to take care of them (unless u r VERY busy working) is vital. My parent were working and not even once in my life, they passed me to the whoever if they have to work during weekends. Dorang akan angkut kitorang 4 beradik sekali duduk dalam hotel and buat laa apa-apa yang patut sementara my dad buat kerja dia. It was fun. It makes who we are now. It makes my mom and dad's bond grow stronger. We are really close. We will always be together Insya Allah.

This is what I am trying to do. Even I am really busy organizing my work at the office and later at my husband's pet shop, I will always bring my daughter along. Walau pun penat dia lima puluh kali ganda but it is worth it. I can play with her, put her to sleep. It is priceless. Dear Aisyah, I love you with all my heart. Semoga menjadi anak yang solehah dan dikurniakan sifat-sifat murni dan sentiasa dijauhkan dengan sifat Mazmumah. Amin.



Just received a very good email and heard a very good news today. Alhamdulillah. Seriously I am so grateful and blessed to have sort of everything in my life. I have a good loving family, lovely daughter, understanding hardworking husband, nice job and rezeki itu sentiasa ada in every angle. Syukur Ya Allah atas semua ini. Semoga semuanya diberkati Insya Allah.

Oh today, my parent is heading to Melaka nak amek Ayu. Since Ayu kene sambung her Masters at HUKM so abah n mak kene balik Melaka naik bus utk bawak kete dia dtg sini. Ma and abah tak bagi sgt dia long distance bawak kete. Sebab dia lemau. Haha. Tapi yang sedihnye, Imran and Sofea kene stay Melaka sebab drg semua dah sekolah kat sana huhu. But once a week my brother in-law akan bawak anak-anak datang gombak. Yeay! Which means that Aisyah ada teman bermain laa selalu lepas nih. Eh bermain ker bergaduh? Haha.

By the way, nak buat shout out to those who was born in May, starting with Aisyah, my husband, lily, fauzan (my brother in-law, glad Allah gives me u as my sister's husband) and ayue today. Happy birthday. Sayang korang sangaaaattttt banyak. Semoga sentiasa dirahmati oleh Allah SWT. The best part about birthday celebration is, kitorang adik beradik akan berkumpul, makan-makan kek, borak-borak, gurau-gurau, gelak-gelak and macam-macam lagi. Selalunya we will invite our uncles and unties to join. Baru meriah rumah hehe. It is a family thing-y u know. Full of kasih sayang. Takde gaduh-gaduh. Dengki-dengki or pape laa yang negative. Seriously, terima kasih Ya Allah atas keluaga ini. Am lucky to be born in this family. Couldn't trade them with anything in this world.

Ya Allah peliharalah aku dan seluruh keluarga ku dari melakukan maksiat serta menghampiri tempat-tempat maksiat sepanjang hidup kami di dunia ini. Jauhkan laa kami dari godaan duniawi yang sementara ini. Kurniakanlah iman yang teguh dan semoga kami sentiasa beriman kepada Kau. Kau hidupkan kami dalam Islam dan matikan laa kami dalam Islam. Amin

Oh regarding my husband's petshop. Hehe Alhamdulillah, the pet shop is doing quite well. New faces are coming every day. Regarding the workers plak, nak cite pasal part time worker. Dia sangat baik orangnye. Rajin bekerja. Semua yang disuruh akan dibuat dengan baik. Jujur and tak pernah mengelat. Nak tido 2 minit pun minta permission. Syukur sangat dapat orang macam nih. N he is educated too. Dia kerja sementara nak tunggu result UPU. Masa SPM dapat straight A's and kat matriks plak dia dapat CGPA 3.90 kot. Wow! He is very humble. The bonus point is dia adalah seorang yang sentiasa menjaga solat. Every waktu without miss dia akan solat. kalau tanya Aisyah abang kat mana, mesti dia cakap, "Abang Allahu Akbar" Waktu Maghrib plak dia akan solat with my husband while me jaga kaunter in front. Alhamdulillah. Semoga berkekalan hendaknya.

Ok laa malas nak tulis banyak-banyak. Frankly speaking, I am very blessed and thankful for everything that I have today. Syukur.

Hope u guys have a very splendid days ahead~



Saturday 18 May 2013

Just give me a reason

This guy is gorgeous like hell! *pengsan*

Oh by the way, this song is like haunting me. Can't get enough of this lullaby..

Must teach Aisyah to sing this guna birthday mic dia hehe..

Have fun singing! :)

Tuesday 14 May 2013

Happy 2nd Birthday Aisyah!!


Today genap laa Aisyah 2 years and 2 days. Besar dah anak dara mama sorang ni. Dulu kecik besar tapak tangan je. Hehe. Everytime I look at her now mesti ter-comparekan masa dia baby baru-baru lahir dulu. Kecik sangat. 2.6kilos and now pun takde laa berat sangat but she seems quite tall. Genetik papa nye kot.

12 Mei jatuh pada last Sunday but my husband and I decided to celebrate it on the 11th May since most of my family members are free on that particular date. Oh this year celebrate at my mom's house plak. So my beloved mama and sisters sibuk prepare all the ballons, gantung banner and most importantly the food. Deliciously yummy food. All my aunties and uncles semua datang but unfortunately my sister-Ayu; tak dapat datang sebab dia oncall. But it's OK since later we celebrate lagi eh? Hehe

We arrived quite late since I have few surgeries need to be done and my husband nak make sure his petshop is organized accordingly before balik ke Gombak. Dalam kereta, kitorang nyanyi lagu Happy Birthday, Are you sleeping etc and Aisyah will be dancing and singing as well. We were so blessed to have u in our lives. Sampai je kat rumah dah nampak ballons banner tulis HAPPY BIRTHDAY and semua orang wish happy birthday to aisyah and not to forget to her papa jugak. (11may is his birthday).

Then we had our lunch followed by acara memotong cake. Since Aisyah sangat suka ice-cream and cat so we opt for Baskin Robbin cake ice-cream bergambarkan kucing. She was so happy to see her birtday cake. Siap cakap. yeay!yeay! lagi sambil lompat-lompat. Haha. Lepas semua nyanyi utk Aisyah n her papa then aisyah tiup lilin dgn bantuan her mama laa of course. Right after that tetibe Aisyah buat bunyi kucing,"Meow..Meow.." and semua orang gelak sambil buat bunyi kucing jugak. Haha.. She also laughed without understand the reasons of ppl laughing Haha...

To cut the story short, lepas lepak-lepak, makan-makan, gelak-gelak then upacara bukak hadiah. my mom and dad bought her many colorful shirts. Beautiful shirts I must say while her unties belikan Aisyah standing mic since she loves singing and dancing. Aisyah memang suka gile. Lepas semua tetamu balik je dia pun gi menyanyi sampai pukul satu pagi. OMG!!! To see her singing adalah sangat kelakar. My sisters and I gelak terguling-guling dengar dia nyanyi and nari-nari. Ada yang sempat divideokan and most of it are pictures.

I bet she is beyond happy that day. I am.

To Aisyah my dear,
Mama, papa, wan mamas, atoks, unties and uncles love you so so much. 
Semoga Aisyah menjadi anak yang solehah dan berjaya dunia akhirat.
Insya Allah..

Seriously I do love u so much. U are like everything to me. Seeing your face gives me inner strength. Hearing your voice and laughter bring me so much joy. Hilang all the stress or even problems (if any).

I am so blessed of having you in my life and I can't thank Allah SWT enough for that.

Here goes some pictures during the small party and videos as well.

Will upload more pics later since sang suami yang amek gambar banyak ;)

my princess =)

with her untie and melting cake. She said,"untie Na, aisyah nak cake satu pliss"

Bukak hadiah
Karaoke session lepas tukar pampers and baju
tengah tunggu request songs from unties

tired but still nak nyanyi
nih memang dh kronik sgt penatnyee. Lol!

Well here goes the videos. Banyak dengar suara unties yang gelakkan aisyah and nyanyi bersama-sama si birthday girl. Have fun watching! =)


Friday 10 May 2013


(wahh tajuk gah sangat macam bagus)


Today tetibe terasa terpanggil untuk tulis pasal relationship; more focus untuk budak-budak yang kononnya tengah ghairah bercinta sampai mati.

Well I used to know this girl age around 18yo, she was so in love with her boyfriend. To cut the story short, her boyfriend or should i say her ex-bf has another girlfriend. Bla..bla..bla.. They broke off. and to my surprise, this girl try to commit suicide but not really serious laa kot. Attempt tuh sudah ada. Luckily she is still alive, I hope. My husband and I took her to the nearest clinic and sort of giving her some advices. 
OK Habis takat tu je. Tak payah citer detail sangat.
On the way back home, I was thinking rupanya ada jugak orang yang sanggup ber-kamikaze dalam bercinta and tanpa berfikir panjang cuba untuk membunuh diri apabila mengetahui cinta hatinya dah ada orang lain.. Waahh ingatkan dalam novel dan sandiwara di TV je yang ada. 

Well nasihatnya adalah begini, kenapa kita plak yang kene bunuh diri bila laki tuh dah ada orang lain? Biarkan laa dia. It is his lost kot..We have family, friends and most importantly we have Allah. Sedih tu ye laa. I pun admit kot since semua orang pernah putus cinta but takde laa to the extend of bunuh diri. Kan ramai lagi jejaka di luar sana yang better than our exes. But if u have "terlanjur" jangan laa kembali ke budak itu sebab orang lelaki yang sentuh kita sebelum nikah adalah orang yang tidak bertanggungjawab dan bukanlah orang yang baik.

Then satu lagi pernah TERBACA ye bukan terdengar, pasal lelaki memukul perempuan masa dalam bercinta. Waaahh laki manakah yang sangat dayus itu? Ada plak pukul pompuan. Gi laa pukul laki sama laki. Ke ko ni pondan so berani lawan dengan pompuan je? (tetibe emo) Kalau dah masa bercinta kena pukul, sepak terajang, so cecepatlaa menjauhkan diri dari lelaki tersebut. Kalau tak sampai kahwen laa ko kene benda yang sama. Jangan nak sayang-sayang sangat la. Baik sayangkan mak bapak yang membesarkan korang tuh dari kecik.

Ok-ok.. betol memang laa senang cakap tapi kalau kita tak cuba tak tau. Tuh semua adalah sign dari Allah bagitau yang laki-laki seperti di atas adalah orang yang paling tak guna sekali dan tak bertanggungjawab. Ni kalau dah kahwen pun kene benda yang sama kan lagi susah nk "lepaskan" diri. Ada tittle "J" plak nanti. Kalau ada anak lagi laa susah. So sebelum kita buat apa-apa perkara sila duduk pikir dengan waras. Buat analisis sikit setiap tindakan. Jangan emosional sangat. Jangan cakap or buat perkara bukan-bukan. Pikir dalam-dalam, pikir masak-masak.

Myself as a mother of Aisyah selalu doa yang Aisyah dipertemukan dengan jodoh yang bertanggungjawab, yang tak buat perkara-perkara di atas dan yang paling penting sekali yang boleh mendidik dan membimbing my princess dengan cara Islam. Lindungilah anakku Ya Allah.. Amin..

By the way, this Sunday is her 2nd birthday, thought of having a very small gathering with my family. I am so blessed of having this loving parent (abah and mak sayang korang gell), sisters, uncles and unties. Terima kasih Ya Allah. I can't thank you enough for that!

K readers, stop now. Heading to my husband's petshop.

Spread the love~

Tuesday 7 May 2013


Finally.. After so so long of waiting, Meow-Meow is back.

Oh-oh let's me introduce who is Meow-Meow exactly.

Meow-Meow is a very so chomel cat that my husband first bought. This is the first cat yang kitorang beli zaman bercinta dulu kala. She was 4months old when we first bought her.

Then my hsband pinjamkan kepada kawan nya untuk dibuat breeding dipendekkan cerita now she is back with us again. We plan to rehatkan dia dari mengandung lagi sebab she is quite old now. Asek mating, beranak, menyusu.. itu je laa kerja dia. Sian dia. Orang pompuan pun disuruh rehatkan dulu tau. Sigh! Let her gain weight first and most importantly I want her to be healthy. Stop producing. Might consider to spay her after this.

Well to cut the story short, we are happily happy that she is back.

Just a reminder to readers and also myself;

 Dari Ummu Salamah r.a bahawa Rasulullah saw bersabda: "Sesungguhnya engkau sekalian selalu mengadukan persengketaan kepadaku. mungkin sebahagian darimu lebih pandai berhujah dari yang lain, lalu aku memutuskan untuknya seperti yang aku dengar darinya. Maka barangsiapa yang aku berikan kepadanya sesuatu yang sebenarnya adalah hak saudaranya, sebenarnya aku telah mengambil sepotong api neraka untuknya." ( Imama al-Bukhari dan Muslim).

Sabda Rasulullah saw bersabda :

“Sesiapa yang merampas hak seorang Muslim dengan sumpahnya maka sesungguhnya Allah s.w.t telah memastikan neraka untuknya dan mengharamkan untuknya syurga.” Seseorang bertanya baginda: “Walaupun benda itu sedikit wahai Rasulullah?” Jawab baginda: “Walaupun sebatang kayu sugi.” ( Imam Muslim)

Gambar meow-meow tak ingat simpan kat mana. Will upload later.
