Tuesday 14 May 2013

Happy 2nd Birthday Aisyah!!


Today genap laa Aisyah 2 years and 2 days. Besar dah anak dara mama sorang ni. Dulu kecik besar tapak tangan je. Hehe. Everytime I look at her now mesti ter-comparekan masa dia baby baru-baru lahir dulu. Kecik sangat. 2.6kilos and now pun takde laa berat sangat but she seems quite tall. Genetik papa nye kot.

12 Mei jatuh pada last Sunday but my husband and I decided to celebrate it on the 11th May since most of my family members are free on that particular date. Oh this year celebrate at my mom's house plak. So my beloved mama and sisters sibuk prepare all the ballons, gantung banner and most importantly the food. Deliciously yummy food. All my aunties and uncles semua datang but unfortunately my sister-Ayu; tak dapat datang sebab dia oncall. But it's OK since later we celebrate lagi eh? Hehe

We arrived quite late since I have few surgeries need to be done and my husband nak make sure his petshop is organized accordingly before balik ke Gombak. Dalam kereta, kitorang nyanyi lagu Happy Birthday, Are you sleeping etc and Aisyah will be dancing and singing as well. We were so blessed to have u in our lives. Sampai je kat rumah dah nampak ballons banner tulis HAPPY BIRTHDAY and semua orang wish happy birthday to aisyah and not to forget to her papa jugak. (11may is his birthday).

Then we had our lunch followed by acara memotong cake. Since Aisyah sangat suka ice-cream and cat so we opt for Baskin Robbin cake ice-cream bergambarkan kucing. She was so happy to see her birtday cake. Siap cakap. yeay!yeay! lagi sambil lompat-lompat. Haha. Lepas semua nyanyi utk Aisyah n her papa then aisyah tiup lilin dgn bantuan her mama laa of course. Right after that tetibe Aisyah buat bunyi kucing,"Meow..Meow.." and semua orang gelak sambil buat bunyi kucing jugak. Haha.. She also laughed without understand the reasons of ppl laughing Haha...

To cut the story short, lepas lepak-lepak, makan-makan, gelak-gelak then upacara bukak hadiah. my mom and dad bought her many colorful shirts. Beautiful shirts I must say while her unties belikan Aisyah standing mic since she loves singing and dancing. Aisyah memang suka gile. Lepas semua tetamu balik je dia pun gi menyanyi sampai pukul satu pagi. OMG!!! To see her singing adalah sangat kelakar. My sisters and I gelak terguling-guling dengar dia nyanyi and nari-nari. Ada yang sempat divideokan and most of it are pictures.

I bet she is beyond happy that day. I am.

To Aisyah my dear,
Mama, papa, wan mamas, atoks, unties and uncles love you so so much. 
Semoga Aisyah menjadi anak yang solehah dan berjaya dunia akhirat.
Insya Allah..

Seriously I do love u so much. U are like everything to me. Seeing your face gives me inner strength. Hearing your voice and laughter bring me so much joy. Hilang all the stress or even problems (if any).

I am so blessed of having you in my life and I can't thank Allah SWT enough for that.

Here goes some pictures during the small party and videos as well.

Will upload more pics later since sang suami yang amek gambar banyak ;)

my princess =)

with her untie and melting cake. She said,"untie Na, aisyah nak cake satu pliss"

Bukak hadiah
Karaoke session lepas tukar pampers and baju
tengah tunggu request songs from unties

tired but still nak nyanyi
nih memang dh kronik sgt penatnyee. Lol!

Well here goes the videos. Banyak dengar suara unties yang gelakkan aisyah and nyanyi bersama-sama si birthday girl. Have fun watching! =)



  1. wah..comey nye a lil princess..kila doakan moga princess chacha sihat n become a brilliant for the future..amin2..

    thanks mama chacha..sudi jugak upload ols of the bday gugurl memories n shared it with us..

    suruh dia buat gwiyomi pulak kak..dia pandai kan..siap nyanyi lagi..

  2. Amin.. Thanks kila! tuh laa mmg blog ni utk cite pasal aisyah je sbnrnye hehe.. Haa gwiyomi nnt akak kene train dulu. Dia mmg suka sgt nyanyi tp suara dia kelakar hehe.. =)

  3. arghhhhh aisyah sangat comel!!!!!!!! hahahahah part dia suruh 'diam' tu bukan main lagi macam pengawas hahahah happy birthday dear aisyah, aunty doakan aisyah membesar dgn sihat and sentiasa di bawah lindungan Allah ;)

  4. Amin.. thanks Untie Intan!! Hehehe =)

  5. Aisyah sayang, jgn besar cpt sgt pls! Aisyah sgt cantik & cerdik, tgk gaya dia dgn standing mic tu mmg rasa comell sgt!! :)

  6. Btol tu.. Jangan besar cepat sangat. Huhu.. Thanks Ayu.. Tak sabar nak tgk baby Alisya balik nnt.. :)Nak gigit-gigit.. hehe
