Monday 27 August 2012


Salam guys

Ermm actually nak tulis pasal Raya but tak tahu nak pilih gambar mana satu.. too many pictures and ikutkan hati rasa macam nak taruk semua je tapi malas laa plak nak tunggu loading lelama, so here goes the new entry about CHANGES in ME! (chewaaahhhh macam best je kan? =p)

To be honest,lately ni rasa macam nak jadi baik sangat. Takde laa maksudnya I ni jahat kan dahulu kala but boleh laa dikatakan macam hidup di zaman tak beberapa jahiliyah dulu. Especially masa study kat UPM. Maklumlah, pelajar universiti laa katakan. Sangat bebas and kemaruk sangat dengan dunia luar dan aktiviti sosial nye huhu. 

Well I came from a very conservative family, where my parent are so strict especially bab Agama nih. Not only my parent but also my sisters. (cayang korang ketat-ketat) Betol lah lagu Raihan cakap "Iman tak dapat diwarisi dari seorang ayah yang bertaqwa..." 

Me, I dont know why, at that time, remaja katernyerr, sungguh bersosial macam tak ingat mati.. But study tetap study okeh? 3 pointer mmg wajib.. Thanks to my beloved friends like Chedah, Henny, Intan, Ayu, Ihsan yang banyak membantu and juga senior2 yang sangat supportive.. Haha.. I went to clubs, not wearing a hijab of course, midnight movie marathon, hanging out at KLIA airport (kononnye study), having lots of so-called boyfriends and many many bad things. Disebabkan Allah masih sayang kan diri ini, banyak kali laa jugak kantoi dengan my sisters especially my elder sister and of course laa dia akan bagitau my mom.. My mom will cry and my dad will marah like mad, and i hate my sister at that time sebab tak sekepala and tak sporting. But as time goes by, especially when I have married and having my little princess, Aisyah, diri sendiri rasa nak berubah ke arah kebaikan.. Dulu satu jenis tudung je untuk penyamaran from my family, now, I have many tudungs beraneka corak dan warna.. And if dulu, I wore sleeveless and sometimes skirts now I have covered my body. Only to be seen by my mahram. 

Seriously memang susah kot nak pakai tudung and baju yang sopan buat pertama kali ke shopping mall or ke memana rumah kengkawan sebab rasa tak cantik laa, tak sexy laa, tak sosial laa dan lain-lain lagi.. Oh sungguh naive kan? Macam laa ko cantik sangat tak bertudung tuh? Macam nak lempang diri sendiri je banyak kali. Sampai selalu tanya my hubby I cantik ke pakai macamni (which means bertutup etc) and he always there to give me support and said,"U cantik je pakai apa-apa pun tapi lagi cantik kalau bertudung.." Chewaahh kembang bermangkuk-mangkuk sekejap..*wink* Eh tuh kalau mood dia baik, kalau mood tak baik sebab banyak kali tanya kan, dia cakap, "U nak tunjuk apa lagi kat org lain nih??!" Haaa *dush* amek ko sebijik kene kat muka... Haha but memang ada relevan nye laa kan..

Well if nak list kan semua benda yang tak baik, tak elok yang dibuat tatkala zaman Jahiliyah tuh memang banyak but buat ape laa kan? Let's that be history which is not going to be repeated. Insya Allah.. And I also think that berkat doa ibu bapa, sisters and kengkawan (kalau ada hehe) terbukaklaa hati nih nak bertutup penuh tanpa paksaan sesapa. Dan menutup aurat hanya kerana Allah SWT. Bukan laa nak tunjuk baik ke apa, but seriously I think I had enough of so-called fun when I was a student, and I thank Allah above for giving me opportunity to be a better muslimah. 

I pray everyday that I wont fall into my black-dark-night history again and semoga my Iman dikuatkan dan sentiasa diberi petunjuk dan hidayah oleh-Nya.. I cant thank my family enough for always there, giving me full support and never judge me based on my past. I love you guys so much! and I also hope that Aisyah will be a better muslimah than me, of course.. Insya Allah..


Thursday 9 August 2012

Trudy and Teddy


Who doesn't know Trudy and Teddy kan? I bet all mummies out there know this brand. As for me, I find it very simple yet elegant. The materials are so comfortable. Eh macam pernah pakai je kan? Hehe.. Sebenarnya my mother, during raya last year, dia belikan Aisyah one dress from Trudy and Teddy. When I put aisyah in that dress, she seems relaxed which means the dress provides comfy to si pemakai laa kan..  

"Trudy & Teddy's mission is to introduce Classic European babywear without compromising on modernity, comfort and timelessness. This new elegant style can be easily matched for everyday occasions, perfect for parents who seek practical babywear that allows the precious little ones to look their best."  Oh dear, ur mission accomplished okeh.. I have full trust in you! Yeah, you!

Ni gambar dia last year raya wore Trudy and Teddy dress.

tu dia rambut macam trojan tuh hehe (with her atok and wan mama)
Wearing the same dress with her papa
she said" thanks Trudy and Teddy, i feel so cute with this dress"
Okeh, well since raya is just around the corner and I haven't buy Aisyah any dress yet, so I decided to opt for Trudy and Teddy dresses and accessories.. Will definitely pujuk my husband who-is-memang-malas-bab-shopping-time ramai-ramai orang ni , pergi jua. Our nearest outlet is Alamanda Putrajaya dalam Parkson. =)

My wishing lists as below;

The cute topi and matching baju are my favourite. This outfit akan dipakai bila raya kedua when kitorang pergi beraya rumak pakcik-pakcik. So stylish! ;)
This outfit pulak will definitely pakai masa petang raya pertama.. Oh sungguh dah tak sabar! hehe The dress kembang-kembang macam princess plak. Topi pakai masa panas and akan ditukar dengan hairband kelak seperti gambar di bawah.

Hairband or bahasa kampungnya; cekak, mesti dipakai setiap masa bila tak pakai topi. Will pakai Aisyah this hairband during night time and the teddy is a must to bring along everywhere.
 "Each piece of Trudy & Teddy apparel is beautifully finished and harmonizes with detailed embellishments such as laser embroideries, lace trimming, high density or aluminium foil prints and completed with a perfect cut." - Seee!! Ohhh tidaaakkk! rasa macam nak g lepas bukak pose jugak..!! Sangat eksited.. Aisyah, moh kita gi cepat before abes... Mari!

So kengkawan, come and join us to Trudy and Treddy outlet! Ayuh!

Aisyah's cousin is wearing Trudy and Treddy dress.. Seriyes gorjes nak mampos! =)

Wednesday 8 August 2012



Heard the good news from my youngest sister.. Dia dah dapat keje kat Celcom as Executive dekat HR and Training Development kot.. So basically, my mom and my dad dah boleh cuci kaki dan tangan since all of her daughters have worked! 

I am so proud of her. Well to u dear Lily, congrats and hope u will work hard.. =) Seriously rasa happy macam nak melompat-lompat je.. Hahaha

I am proud to say that all of my sisters dah kerje.. my parents have 3 doctors in the house and 1 HR trainer.. Yeay!! Lepas ni kalau ada promotion iphone5 seperti yang digembur-gemburkan nak kuar end of this month, please roger me or book for me cecepat okeh? hehehe

To Lily sayang, good luck and all the best in your future undertakings.  My prayers and doa will always be with you..


Tuesday 7 August 2012

Iftar at KLGCC

Salam ramadhan! =)

Pada 4 ogos yang lalu, seperti hari-hari  eh silap, seperti tahun yang lalu, big family gathering for bukak puasa akan diadakan sebelum my beloved uncle man and cik sam berangkat menunaikan umrah. Semua dijemput hadir termasuklah orang gaji. Usually, iftar akan diadakan di Tropicana Golf Club tp this year buat kat KLGCC. According to ciksam, dorang saja nak ubah selera.

Ok, enough about the intro. My family reached there around 6pm + since kitorang from Kajang. And since husband didn't know the way to go to KLGCC, so kitorang pun kene laa ikut tuan umah. Tuh pasal laa kitorang sampai agak awal. And sesampai je kat situ, tgk dh ada dh a few of my makcik and sepupu-sepapat. But my daddy (ish gediks! nak panggil daddy. Abah sudah laa) and my mama beserta anak-anak buah dan kakak serta adik tak sampai lagi. So we just seat there as i texted my sister to hurry up! Heheh

A few minutes later all of my family members had arrived. But my parents lambat sket since kene tunggu my sister yang HO tu abes keje. We talked, laughed, g survey food and its location while waiting for Azan Maghrib. Actually bukan survey but kitrg trs amek dgn nafsu lapar yang membuak-buak. So like a few minutes before azan,meja kitrg dah penuh! Wow!!! Heheh..

Then lepas azan terus laa memasing melantak huhu.. Aisyah? Who? Ecehcehceh.. Tak ingt anak dh eh hehe.. Aisyah dijaga oleh tyqah.. So mama n papa boleh makan dengan hati yg senang.. Ermm actually kalau ada gamba mmg best kot kan? Tp disebabkan oleh terlalu asyik dengan makanan n dessert yg maha dasyat, so camera, bb even ipad yg baru dibeli ( cheh nak mention jgk br beli ipad haha) semua disimpan dalam handbag and diletakkan di bawah meja.

Lepas semua makan n borak dan sebagainya, satu-satu org balik, and only left us to camwhore sikit-sikit. Heheh.. Well here goes the pictures yang hanya ada beberapa keping je and muka masing-masing keletihan akibat kekenyangan. 

top-bottom: aisyah, my sister; Ayue, my ousin, Hanisah
top-bottom: cousin;tyqah and jojoi hehe

sisters: lily and my super sleepy sister deqna (dia baru balik from on-call) excuse her hehe

Sarah (cousin) and deqna again.
 guys, sorry, i didn't know how to rotate the 2 pictures above huhu.. Well since aku yang amek gambar so mmg takde laa gambar kita.. ni yang nak nagis nih huhu :'( tp gambar kita ada kat camera sepupu-sepapat kita yang lain. Nanti kita upload lagi kalau ada masa hehe..

Well seriously makanan mmg sedap and sangat berpuas hati. Thanks to my uncle and untie yang berbelanja kami semua ini. It's a good time for family gathering and catching up stories. And atas sebab ini laa kami semuanya memang rapat! 


 Insya Allah, kalau rezeki lebih aku nak buat macamni jugak. So that we are stil close sampai ke tua.. Insya Allah..

Monday 6 August 2012


Ermm since raya is just around the corner (well maybe not really around the corner since baru je 14th day of Ramadhan), perasaan nak bershopping raya sangat membuak-buak. Terasa macam nak beli baju raya, nak beli kuih raya, nak beli barang-barang raya and terasa macam nak mencantikkan rumah sempena raya yang bakal menjelang. Waaa sunggu bernafsu!
But semua itu tak dapat direalisasikan since my husband adalah sorang yang sangat simple. Tak kesah semua itu. Semuanya sama sahaja. Waaaaa ='( Seriyes sedih.. 
So to my dearie husband, mari laa kita bershopping bersama-sama. Marilah menjadikan raya ini raya yang terbest since Aisyah dah boleh jalan so pelbagai baju beraneka corak and warna boleh dipakaikan dengan cantiknya hehe.
Readers, doa laa si suami terbuka hati and suka bershoping bersama-sama. Kalau tak, mmg wajib laa I bershopping dengan Ihsan since dia je yang available kat sini. Yang Ayu, chedah semua dah jauh sesangat..  
Gosh! I miss my friends and the good old days!!!!!