Wednesday 20 March 2013

Chicken Dance


She just loves to dance! and I love watching her..

Mama loves u sayang.. U bring so much joy to mama's and papa's lives.


Tuesday 12 March 2013

Fun Fun Day

Last Sunday, Jhan Pets' crew (chewahhh macam bgs je nk sebut crew) went to HHP Cat Competition at Space U8, Shah Alam. Kitorang still bukak pet shop paginye but around 2.30pm tuh tutup kedai and vrrooomm we went to give support to our friends yang masuk cat comp nih. Hehe seriously, ramai gile yang masuk and to be honest we did enjoy ourselves there. Met lots of  familiar faces there and also meeting new people . It was so much fun. I do believe that Aisyah pun seronok giler. Siap lompat-lompat, nari-nari, pusing-pusing and ada jugak guling-guling on the floor menangis sebab mama dia tak bagi beli ice-cream. Lol.

Most of our clients joined the competition and they did win a few medals. Am so proud. *Big Smile* Ada yang menang special award, ada yg dapat no 1 from 3 rings and ada yg dapat saguhati. Basically semuanya pun menang jugak. Hehe.. Then, ada a few customers yang call us said thank you and macam-macam positive feedback that we heard. Guys, actually, we are supposed to thank you. Without your continuous support we are basically nothing. Thanks! Zillion thanks!! We owe u big one! and congrats for all the winners. Seriously, am so proud of u guys. Korang memang awesome! 

Here goes the pictures during the competition and also our pictures together. Actually many pictures were taken by other devices, so yang ada ni adalah yg dlm handphone sahaja. Which means basically banyak gambar Aisyah haha.. Well, we did have so much fun there!

With Pn Fiza and her Hana the cute kitten. She won special award.
Aisyah and her mama
Nak turun from bench

Kagum tengok air pancut.

Such a happy kid.
Oh okay tuh je laa kot yg ada. Later will upload more pics pasal cat competition ni eh. By the way, below are the pictures of Aisyah (sape lagi kan?) kat pet shop.

New hobby I must say. Haip.. Malu tau hehe

adjusting position to fit in the cat's comfy bed

still adjusting

Finally yeayy

Those are the acrobatic pictures of Aisyah. Haha now u can see how busy she is at the pet shop. Having her in my life is such a blessing. All the things that she did rasa macam comel je wlpun kekadang tuh rasa nak piat2 je telinga tuh haha

Aisyah sayang, I love u love u love u so so much. U r like everything to me and your papa.