Friday 22 February 2013

Happy Birthday Abah

Today is my Abah's birthday.. Age? Shhh rahsia katenyeerr.. Haha. Well, he is the best man I ever met. I love you so much words can't describe!

 My Abah adalah seorang yang garang at the surface but really soft inside. Bukan la lembut pondan tapi dia ni soft-hearted sket. Bak kata orang, "Muka Metallica tapi hati Westlife". Flashback when I was standard 5/6 or even form 1/2/3, kalau ada laki yang call rumah je confirm2 dia tak bagi bebudak tuh cakap and he always marah me cakap abah tak suka laki-laki call rumah malam-malam nih. Well to tell you the truth, I never ever pass my telephone number to them! ntah macam mana bebudak ni dapat. Even when I had a boyfriend (after SPM) abah still tak suka orang call me.So my ex-boyfriend kena pakai adik perempuan dia utk cakap dulu then when I picked up baru laa dia rcakap. Tuh pun, if my abah smell something fishy, mesti dia angkat telefon atas nak dengar and kitorang cecepat letak. Hahah.. Kelakar gila. Back then, I never understand the reasons of he acted that way but as I grow up and have a daughter, I understand all the reasons now. He was just trying to protect me. Oh Abah, thank you!

Abah jugak suka tido lambat, watching TV, and his fav show adalah wrestling. Now berjangkit dh dengan my youngest sister. Actually, dulu masa dia study oversea (UK) dia memang active bersukan and masuk competition body builder. So gym was his home back then. Now kat rumah pun bilik belakang dibuatnye mini-gym utk dia exercise. Kalau tak puas, after Asar dia akan pergi gym and sometimes jadi coach jugak kat bebudak kat gym tuh. He is fit you know. He always dream of having a son so that he can teach his son bout the gym thingy things. But Allah grant him 4 beautiful daughters (ehem..ehem..), 1 grandson and 2 grand daughters. And he is grateful for that. 

Kitorang adik-beradik di train utk tido at 10pm everyday every school days. Our routine was, lets say pagi sekolah biasa, ptg sekolah agama, malam lepas solat Maghrib berjamaah, kitorang dinner together then buat homework or do revision. Before tido, kemas beg sekolah, gosok baju sekolah, cari stokin etc then baru tido. Every night, without miss, Abah will come to our room, selimutkan kitorang, usap-usap rambut and tutup lampu (kalau kitorang tertido sambil baca buku cerita). Oh Allah, how wonderful my Abah was and still is. Thank you Allah, Thank you Abah.

My abah is so different from other dads out there. He concentrated more to his family needs. He always advise me that, family comes first, work, money or wutever come later. Insya Allah I will remember that. Abah cakap macamane busy pun jangan lupakan anak-anak punya pelajaran sebab pelajaran yang membezakan kita. Walaupun duit tak banyak but with knowledge we can survive. Abah, apa yang abah cakap dulu memang btol. Kalau abah tak marah and paksa A'a gi sekolah dulu, I don't think I can be a vet, and I don't think 3 of my sisters are doctors and an Executive Celcom. I used to said that I have the most "tak sporting" dad ever to you, but now I thank you for not being a "sporting" dad to me, to us. U are like the BEST of all the BEST!

Actually, kalau nak ceritakan pasal my Abah, memang tak tertulis sebab banyak giler. And I Love u so much for that and I can't thank you enough for that. Just so u know, he calls me every morning just to " tanya khabar", Actually I know he just misses me and Aisyah kan? Insya Allah kitorang balik nanti. (padahal baru seminggu tak balik hehe) It shows how much he cares, tak kesah la anak dia dh ada suami ke belum he still care. Love love love YOU ABAH!

Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku, Aku bersyukur kepada-Mu kerana mengurniakan Abah ini kepadaku. Seorang yang penyayang,bertanggung jawab dan sentiasa berada di sisi ku walaupun dah besar panjang ni. I couldn't ask for more. Ampunkan dosa Abahku, murahkan rezekinya, berkatilah hidupnya dan semoga dia sentiasa di bawah lindungan-Mu Ya Allah. 

Abah dear, terima kasihh banyak-banyak. Jasamu, pengorbananmu memang seriously TAK dapat nak balas. Hanya Allah je yang membalasnya. I love you so so much and again Thanks for being a dad to me, who I can turn to, can rely on and always be beside me, support me and never give up on me even I have sinned.
(rasa macam nak nagis pun ada now..) Seriously, A'a sayang abah gile banyak!!! 

L-R (Abah, Cik Kadir) was taken few years back, celebrating Father's Day.

Wednesday 20 February 2013


my high school's principal always said this.....

So inspirational. So motivational and that is what keeps me going in my life. Well, being an ex TKC's student makes me realize so many things. There, I have learned to be independent, friends that will always there by my side and so many positive things that can't be listed here. Life there was so much fun. Now, how I missed prep, dining hall, sports day, solat maghrib berjemaah, minta tolong junior ambil air from water cooler, booked toilet in the morning, house meeting, etc.

Gosh! Now it has been nearly 13 years I left that school. And I never been there ever since. Rinduuu nye! Now TKC has moved to a new location and I do hope that one day, Insya Allah, my daughter Aisyah will be a TKC student and stand proud as I am. Actually as me n my sisters still are.

Few weeks ago, as Majalah 3 aired about TKC's moved to a new location, my sisters and I were so touched and surprisingly we cried while watching that. And we stood up when the students sang TKC's song. Deep down inside our heart, we pray that all of our daughters will be there one day. When they reach 13years old. Insya Allah. (seriously Aisyah and sofea, pls study hard.. u won't regret to be here, trust me)

To my dearest TKC's friends, I am truly sorry that I didn't come to any reunions and outings, I have been so occupied lately, just so you know, I value our friendship and am so grateful to have u guys around. Like the batch song says," FRIENDSHIP REMAINS".

To my GR2 roomate-Nana, sorry couldn't attend your wedding. Heard it was a very big wedding and u r so beautiful. Congratulations and please stay happy and most importantly, pls stay YOU! the gila-gila YOU.. Sayang ko gell!

Monday 18 February 2013



Lately I am so easily get irritated with people i deal with. My husband said I should take a "chill pill", which means take a one day off and pamper myself. Maybe I am so stressed due to not getting enough rest. Or maybe people nowadays are so plain annoying. 

Few examples are as below;

  1. Just a few minutes ago, I faxed a form to ask for a driver  to go to a meeting at this bank in Leboh Pasar Besar this coming Friday. At that form I accidentally forgot to write the purpose of going there. Then the driver came and said to me that CC who in-charge of appointing driver asked why do I need to go to bank and asked for a driver. I get so irritated and pick up the phone, dialed CC ext number and said that "CC, saya ke bank bukan sesaje suka nak atas urusan sendiri tp saya gi meeting yang diminitkan oleh DDG. Takde maknanye saya nak sesuka pergi sana" She laughed and said,"Takde laa Dr. Saya tau tp saya saja je gurau2.." Haha funny (in a VERY sarcastic ways!) U know what, this is the thing I don't like about gov staffs (even I am part of it, Nauzubillah I jadi macamni). If u didn't sure of something pls call the officer straight away instead of assuming and asked the driver. The driver mana tau. He is not even my husband pun.. Durhhh... I put there my direct ext number, just pick up the phone and call me straight away instead of pikir bukan-bukan and make fun of it. So makcik. So typical of u laa. And so not funny. 
  2. Last Saturday, a client came and asked to groom 4 of his cats and another one is to do check up. He asked for so many discounts. While examining the cats, I found that all 4 cats have massive matted hair all over the body. Usually we charge a bit higher just to remove the matted hairs. Because it is so not easy and will consume lots of energy, care and also time. Then the other kitten has an eye infection. I took history, did PE and also prescribed some medication. Makanya, adalah consultation charges. Bila nak bayar, he asked apa itu consultation charges and I replied, itu adalah advice yang I bagi, PE yang I buat etc. Dia asked again, ada ker? Time tuh, serious rasa macam geram gile. But I tried to remain calm tapi sebenarnya tak boleh. My husband cecepat took control before I explode and gave him discount. Pakcik tu siap cakap, "Kita nak tolong kedai baru sebab nampak macam takde orang datang je" Waaarrghhh serious rasa macam nak bagi penampar sedas!! Takde orang datang?? Are u sure?? Nak tengok tak berapa banyak sale and berapa banyak kucing yang tengah tunggu for check-up or even nak grooming plus boarding waiting list?? Seriously?? I have no intention to brag but tolong laa pakcik. Ur attitude doesn't show like a muslim pun. To pakcik yang sangat kedeks.. Rezeki tu di tangan Allah SWT, kalau pakcik tak berkenan dengan charges or even our services u can go to another shop or clinic. I have faith in Allah SWT. Everyone has its own preference and I completely understand that. "YA ALLAH YA TUHANKU, KO LINDUNGILAH AKU SEKELUARGA DAN JUGA KEDAI KAMI DARI NIAT JAHAT, HASAD DENGKI DAN LIMPAHKAN LAH REZEKI KAMI DAN BERKATILAH IA.. AMIN!.. 
Seriously sebenarnya banyak lagi kerenah and ragam tp tak terlarat nak tulis. But itulah lumrah berniaga bak kata suami. And my mom always said that, if kita buat kerja ikhlas, insya Allah, Allah bagi yang diluar jangkaan kita. Banyakkan sabar and berdoa. 

For my customers, thanks for all your support. U guys have been great to us in so many ways. I can't thank you guys enough.  And terima kasih banyak-banyak sebab tak lupa beli ole-ole utk Aisyah everytime you guys pergi holidays. We are so blessed to have u guys as our customers. Am so blessed. Syukur.
(banyak sgt you guys)

By the way, we do give discounts in so many things. Some of our customers said that, what we offer is cheaper compared to others. Entah la. Lain orang lain cara, lain taste. Up to your own judgement. As for me and my staffs, we try to provide the best. Yang baik tuh datang dari Allah SWT and yang buruk tuh datang dari diri kami sendiri.

As for me, maybe I shall take a one day off, go to spa, do my routine manicure and pedicure, facials, some shopping.. Then, perhaps I'll be fine! =) FYI, my kuku kaki looks like kuku jerangkung. Pengotor. Euww. Yuckss. Yess I know but that shows how busy and tired I am. Haha. 

Better off now. Good days to every one who reads and semoga dirahmati oleh-Nya sentiasa. Amin.


Friday 15 February 2013

Ragam Aisyah

Last week was a holiday. 4 days in a row starting last Saturday until Tuesday. Maksudnya Aisyah tak gi nursery lama gile. Dia lepak kat Petshop, we brought her back to hometown - Gombak (haha macam jauh sgt ;p) and so many activities yang most of it occurred at the petshop.  

After that, her life, Aisyah's life was back to normal, which means dia kene gi nursery balik. Jumpa all the teachers and friends there plus kene study.. Haha yes! kat sana, Aisyah has her own workbook like My Family, Animals, Fruits etc. Everyday from 9am to 11am kene study. The teacher also said that in order for them to keep the children focus, dorang kene rasuah pakai chocs or sweets sometimes. Parents will be kept updated by the everyday evaluation's paper, prepared by the teacher-in-charge to be signed by the parents.. Sort of macam report card laa sebenarnya. Dasyat kan? Haha but I kinda like it..

For the past 2 days, Aisyah asek2 nangis je bila hantar ke nursery. Every morning. It is always breaks my heart to see my intan payung menangis but kena kuatkan hati, lepaskan tangan dia from my tudung or baju, kiss her and then bye-bye. I always said to her that, "Mama amek awal today k? Pls take care. Belajar rerajin etc.." (like my mom and dad used to say when i was a student) Basically, my husband and I will fetch her around 6pm and the most is around 6,30 no later than that. And her report card also said that she keeps on merengek if she has been left alone and suka bergaduh dengan kawan2.

And lately ni jugak, Aisyah sangat manja. Double the manja from previous or should i say triple? Huhu. At the petshop, she won't let me do my work and always nak berdukung. Kalau dulu boleh main-main kat display room dengan kucing and berlari-lari dengan papa dia. Now she wants only Me! Aiyo yo.. I love u my dear but mama needs to work. If papa dia amek dia, she will scream and berguling-guling kat lantai. Hadoi!

Next, masa tido malam. I am the one who puts her to sleep. Her papa can't do that since she is still breastfeeding. Kene tepuk-tepuk while her mouth is still at my breast. Then, she sleeps. But masa tengah tido if dia terjaga, she will call me, "Ma.. Mama.. Mama!" and I have to answer that quickly before dia nangis. Then if lets say, I am at the toilet or watching TV with my suami, she will cry loudly and refuses to sleep after that. But still she wants me to hug her and never leave her side. This "thing" happens everyday between 2 to 5 in the morning! Uarghh... She will get back to sleep after 6.30am. And her mama also tido jugak and lambat laa gi keje as a result of that.

I wonder why these happen and I do ask my friends if these occur to them as well. And most of them answer, YES! Phew lega sket dengar.. But still it worries me. Now, I am so tired due to lack of sleep and looks like a zombie. All my body is aching. I only weigh 43kilos. (naik jugak laa compared to zaman remaja cuma 40kilos) I do think I need to have my ME time alone. Don't get me wrong, I love being a mother and I am so in love with my daughter okeh.

Oh Aisyah, I love u. Mama and papa will always be at your side. Close to our hearts. Always in our prayers. Just be safe and take care.. Seriously, WE LOVE U DEARLY!!

at the age of 7months (if i'm not mistaken)