Tuesday 21 October 2014



Let's the pictures summarize everything

During Hari Raya Aidilfitri at MIL's house
A family which means so much to my life
Such a blessing to have them all in this dunia

These people taught me so many things in life
Wouldn't trade all the people above with anything
Will protect them from everything that's harmful
I LOVE U so so much sisters!

The rascals
but am so falling in love with them
Tired when they all are around but will miss them dearly when they are not.
Peneman pergi ke KLCC and Avenue K dengan syarat pergi Toys R Us.
Please teman mama and untie lagi ok, even when u guys dah besar.
Will treasure every moment with these kids 

Our Small Family.
A handsome husband - funny guy and some time can be irritating bila dia lapar.
Aisyah Jhan - A princess that will always be mine. Manja. Will never allow you to have boyfriend.
Muhammad Yousoff - A baby which always be my baby. A baby who loves to eat A LOT. Manja. Will be mine always.

Alhamdulillah with this beautiful families.
Alhamdulillah with everything that happens.
Alhamdulillah because of so many things.