Friday 6 April 2012


Waaaahhh... dasyat nye laa tajuk kan? haha well takde benda panas pun just wanna share something that bordered me lately.. which i dont know why..  mood swingkah? huhu

Everybody has its own dark secrets which only you yourself know, rite? well, same here with me.. But, being a woman myself, i told my darkest secret to the one and only person i am supposed to trust, which can't be named here, obviously.. well let's call this person Q.. Q knows everything (mostly laa) about me.. and i even told Q my darkest secret which i hope that Q will keep and not reveal it to anyone in any circumstances..

BUT... (jeng..jeng..jeng..)

Q did tell someone and it shocked me to death.. i feel like killing myself right there when Q revealed it in front of my face! (yes, Q told in front of me.. nice huh?) i didn't know how to react or what to say.. i just.. shocked.. n my heart dropped.. i didn't cry but i keep my mouth shut while my hands were shaking.. :'( the person that Q told (let's call that person A).. A asked me whether i did that horrible disgusting thing and i admitted since i don't wanna lie anymore.. A was so surprised but A tried to sound calm (?), while i have nothing left to say.. Q said that he/she (gender must be kept silence too) have to tell someone because he/she couldn't take it anymore.. OH MY GOD!! i am so speechless.. i am broken-hearted..

"Dear Q, if u read this, u must know that, i trusted you so much and i even shared stories with you.. i never thought that u have so much guts to tell someone about this horrible disgusting things i did in the past.. i feel i've been betrayed by the person i care/trust the most.. the fact that u told A was unbelievable.. i have nothing left to say now, but i hope you are happy for what have you done or said..."


Everybody makes mistakes in their life.. and perhaps that person sudah bertaubat and sangat sangat sangat menyesal dengan apa yang dia buat.. so who are we to judge him/her? we are not Almighty, we are human being who constantly make mistakes.. Give that person a chance to change.. Give ME a chance to change! the horrible-disgusting-thingy I've done for the past 2 years have been buried and i will not dig it out again, which means i WON'T, i repeat, WON'T repeat it again.. so please, i beg you, please don't punish me for my past... as i am trying my best to be a better person each and everyday..



  1. Kak aaaaaaa, jangan sedih-sedih k. Sebaik-baik manusia ni pun, pasti ade cacat celanya. Sedih pulak kite bace citee kak aaa ni, stay strong, as long kite ade niat utk berubah menjadi yg lebih baek, jgn pedulikan org k. Allah lebih pndang hati kite. Remember, Allah doesn't judge you on how bad you have been in the past, but rather on how good you strive to be now. Bia org benci, asal Allah syg dan redha dgn kite. Kite kan one family, we are always here to support u kak aaaa. Jangan sedih lagi tau :)

    1. nona... huhu thankso much! nwys, kak Aa tak kesah pun dah.. just terkejut je.. thanks!! i am so blessed to have a supporting family like all of you guys... much love~

  2. hehe tengah depan computer nih hehehe...

  3. Nazihah.. Aku ingatkan ko dah tak update blog. Rupanya blog dulu tu dah takde, buat blog baru eh? Baru perasan..

    Sabar banyak2 eh nox. Yg berlalu tu tak payah ingat2, manusia semua ada salah silap. Aku doakan kita semua sentiasa dapat hidayah, hidup berubah ke arah kebaikan. :)

    Anyway, tgk video si Ecah kat bwh rasa geram sgt. Ish, mcm nak gigit2. Hehehe..

    1. Ayu.. Hehe btol nox, kdg2 aku xphm nape nk tnjk kan apa yg aku dulu.. Mcm laa diri sendiri baik sgt. Semoga Q dpt hidayah. Amin!

      Haha.. Ecah dh lasak skrng. Turun naik tangga.. Makin kurus aku dibuatnya hehe.. Nox, blk laa cpt hehe rindu nk chur2..kalau krg balik dh tambah sorang lg geng.. Jojoyrina! Hehe
